How can you add ribbon to the braids?
Adding ribbon to the braids is not that easy you will have to focus on it properly so that you can get the result in the best way. When you add the ribbons to the braids this will make your hair look pretty good. To add ribbon to Braids you need to follow some of the steps that are provided below.
Steps that have to be followed
The first step is you need to remove all the knots that are present in your hair so that when you then you will have no disturbance.
After you are done with that, you have to start plaiting.
When you plait right from the neck region you have to place the ribbon at the centre.
When you place them at the centre you can start to plait along with the ribbon continuously.
In-between you can find the ribbon colours also. After the completion, you will have to tuck a band at the end. Now you will be able to see the colour of ribbon getting in and out of the plait.
Before you do all these things, you have to be sure about the colour of ribbon that you are going to add to your hair. Make sure that the ribbon colour has a pair with your costume.
The ribbon and the plait should be tight enough so that it will not get lost even if you plan to have them for a long time. You have to plant them in the right way so that it will have a long time and with a good look as to how you expected.
Bottom line
This is how you can make to ribbon a braid. If only you focus on them in the right way you will be able to get the result better.